Sorts of hosting solutions

A hosting service means saving and/or sharing given content on a web hosting server managed by a web hosting supplier. There are various kinds of hosting services used for various goals, so let's take a peek at these. Doing so, you can elect what you want, on the basis of whether you'd like to run a site, mail aliases, or to share files with mates and acquaintances.

- File hosting: a solution delivered by some providers, which allows you to share enormous files. These could be disk images, motion pictures, audio files, archived documents, and so on. This service is also known as file storage, and its single aim is to share files, since it does not support site uploading. The moment the files are uploaded, you will either receive a randomly generated download link for each of them, or you will be able to see an inventory of all the files in a directory, but you will be unable to view .html or .php web site files in your web browser. Free file storage packages often include advertisements by the download links, while a timer obliges you to wait for a particular stretch of time to perceive them. A single file can be downloaded with limited speed. If you possess a paid file storage plan, there are no limitations as to how many files you can upload/download straight away, and also there is no restriction as far as the download speed and the file size are concerned.

These days, with the assistance of the cPanel hosting providers, "file hosting" is being renamed to the more voguish "cloud hosting". This is a thoroughly amiss interpretation of the real connotation of "cloud hosting". A real cloud website hosting platform would assign the tasks at hand between different stacks of servers in a cluster, which are committed to attending miscellaneous web hosting services (mail, web space, statistics, DNS, databases, web hosting CP, etc.) So, the file hosting service is simply a type of a data storage hosting service, not a cloud hosting one. It's not even near.

- Image hosting: comparable with file hosting; given companies offer a hosting solution for pictures exclusively. This hosting variant is good if you wish to share an immense amount of pics with friends or associates since the solution is commonly free of charge. You will receive a random link for every image or album and you can subsequently share this link. As with the file storage solution, .html and .php files are not compatible, so the solution cannot be utilized for websites.

- Email hosting: a solution committed to tackling your e-mail address accounts. Some vendors offer website hosting solutions for web pages, but do not provide an e-mail solution. If you want to possess an e-mail address with your domain name but do not wish to run a web site, then the email hosting solution is what you require. You can create e-mail box accounts and manage them, but there will be no web solution for the domains. The email hosting solution involves incoming POP/IMAP and outgoing SMTP e-mail servers.

- Video hosting: this solution enables you to upload and share videos. You can either share a link to a given video clip, or you can embed the video in your site that is hosted somewhere else. The benefit of availing of this method in lieu of uploading the video file in a hosting account is that the video file produces a specific amount of CPU load, so with a bunch of videos and a few hundred site viewers, you may have difficulty with your web hosting reserves. Embedding the video file will allow you to manage as many videos as you wish without hassling about system quotas.

- Web hosting: this is the solution that you need if you would like to possess a site. To some extent, it includes all of the abovementioned hosting variants since, along with your sites, you can also host pics and files, you can create databases and electronic mail accounts, upload video files, etc. At Conspire Web Services - Wholesale Accounts, for example, you can have a look at web hosting and dedicated hosting packages that enable you to get all of the abovementioned solutions in a single place. There may be limitations depending on the kind of hosting service that you've opted for - a free hosting account, a paid shared hosting plan, a VPS or a dedicated server. Based on that, your site hosting package may be better or worse in comparison with the usual email/file/video/image hosting packages that are devised for particular web content exclusively.